Call for papers
HIPHIL Novum invites submissions that investigate biblical linguistics to advance exegesis and translation. Papers are welcome in any area of biblical linguistics, including both Testaments, for example
- translation issues, textual variants and emendations, scribal habits, textual history
- language use in extra-biblical texts, dialects and language development, comparative linguistics, linguistic intertextuality
- syntax analysis, cognitive linguistics, rhetorical-structural analysis, functional-discourse analysis, stylometry, comparative syntax
- verbal aspect, metaphors, idioms, semantic ranges, contextual markers, morphological nuances and ambiguities, comparative semantics
- evaluating new and established methodologies, new AI-based techniques, computational linguistics, creating or investigating datasets
We welcome original research papers, short papers, conference papers, and book reviews. All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by an editor. If found suitable for further consideration, papers undergo double-blind peer review by one or two independent experts. Papers are published continuously as they are ready and organized in yearly volumes.
For submission guidelines and further information, please visit our website:
The Editorial Team
Principal contact
Christian Canu Højgaard
Fjellhaug International University College