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Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography
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Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 74 (1975)
Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 74 (1975)
Population and resources on the minor Danish islands 1860,1900, and 1960
Henning Mørch
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Kongeåens udløb i Vadehavet
N. Kingo Jacobsen
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En fluvisol i Sydsjællanc Studier omkring et mindre vandløbs terrasse
Niels J. Christoffersen
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Coastal landslide morphology at Røsnæs, Denmark
D. B. Prior and R. M. Eve
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Zoneringsmodel for Det danske Vadehav med henblik på etablering af en dansk naturpark Tipperne - Skallingen - Vadehavet
Af N. Kingo Jacobsen
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Some comments on the glacial geomorphology of the Viborg area of Jutland, Denmark
C. A. M. King
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Henrik Madsen
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Ændringer i arealbenyttelsen i Ho sogn 1965-1973, samt en særlig analyse af landbrugets driftsenheder
Af Jørgen Raid
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Journal of Historical Geography.
Viggo Hansen
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Henry S. Santeford & James L. Smith: Advanced Concepts and Techniques in the Study of Snow and Ice Resources.
Børge Fristrup
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Urban and Regional Research in Denmark.
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Colin G. Clarke: Jamaica in Maps.
Aage Aagesen
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Åke Forsstrom og Ragnar Olsson. Geografisk informationsbehandling.
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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Bryan Massam: Location and Space in Social Administration.
Anette Markan
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R. Brinkmann (Herausg.): Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen Geologie. Bd. 1. Festland. Meer.
Kaj Hansen
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J. L. Davies: Geographical Variation in Coastal Development. R. J. Price: Glacial og Fluvoglacial Landforms.
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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B. Plöchinger & S. Prey: Der Wienerwald.
Kaj Hansen
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Antartic Map Folio Series. Folio 17: Marine Sediments of the Southern Oceans, by H. G. Goodell, R. Houtz, M. Ewing, D. Hayes, B. Naini, R. J. Nichols, J. P. Kennett and J. G. Donahue.
Børge Fristrup
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P. T. Wheeler: Viborg and its Region.
Kr. M. Jensen
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Wilson, A. G. and M. J. Kirby: Mathematics for Geographers and Planners.
Anette Markan
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S. R. Eyre: World Vegetation Types. A. B. Mountjoy (ed): Developing the Underdeveloped Countries.
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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E. Seibold: Der Meeresboden.
Kaj Hansen
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Werner Mikus: Verkehrszellen.
Aage Aagesen
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I. G. Simmons: Rural Recreation in the Industrial World.
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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Emile van der Vekene: Les Cartes Géographiques du Duché de Luxembourg.
Niels Nielsen
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David W. Heal. The Steel Industry in Post War Britain.
Viggo Hansen
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Luna B. Leopold: Water. A Primer,
Bent Hasholt
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Abler, Janelle, Philbrick & Sommer (eds.): Human Geography in a Shrinking World.
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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Howard F. Gregor: An Agricultural Typology of California.
Viego Hansen
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Carl Rathjens, Carl Troll & Harald Uhlig (Hrsg.): Vergleichende Kulturgeographie der Hochgebirge Südasiens.
Ruth Heikiær Jensen
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D, B. Grigg: The Agricultural Systems of the world. An Evolutionary Approach.
Sofus Christiansen
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M. F. Thomas & G. W. Whittington (eds.): Environment and Land Use In Africa.
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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L. Dueholm og C. Jensen-Butler: Humangeografi. Begreber og anvendelse.
Anette Markan
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Atlas of Japan
Sofus Christiansen
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Norbert Csáki: Land Supply and International Specialization in Agriculture.
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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Brian Fullerton & Alan F. Williams: Skandinavia.
S. Backer
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Downs & Shea (eds.): Image and Environment.
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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Antarctic Map folio Series. Folio 12: Geologic Maps of Antarctica.
Børge Fristrup
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H. Kohl m.fl. (Herausg.): Die Bezirke der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik.
Aage Aagesen
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Karen J. Friedmann: Danish Agricultural Policy 1870-1970.
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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Alan Mayhew: Rural Settlement and Farming in Germany.
Kr. M. Jensen
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Nurul Islam (ed.) 1974: Agricultural Policy in Developing Countries.
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Johannes Humlum i samarbejde med Hans Sylvain Thomsen: Kulturgeografisk Atlas.
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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James R. Nicolson: Shetland.
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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E. S. Higgs (ed) 1975: Palaeoeconomy,
Sofus Christiansen
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Kortfattet oversigt over Nederlands geografi.
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Holger Heuseier (Hrsg.): Europa aus dem All.
Sten Folving
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Herbert Paschinger: Steiermark.
Kaj Hansen
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Reid A. Bryson & Kenneth Hare (eds.): Climates of North America.
Henrik Søgaard
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Franklyn W. Cole: Introduction to Meteorology.
Henrik Søgaard, Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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K. J. Gregory & D. E. Walling: Drainage Basin Form and Process.
Bent Hasholt
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J. Negendank: Trier und Umgebung.
Kaj Hansen
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Vivian C. Bushnell & Melvin G. Marcus (eds.): Icefield Ranges Research Project.
Børge Fristrup
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Atlas d'aquitaine.
Niels Nielsen
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Bela Sarfalvi (ed.): Urbanization in Europe.
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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A. P. A. Vink: Land Use in Advancing Agriculture.
Kr. M. Jensen
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Karl Ruppert (Hrsg.): Agrargeographie
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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Henry Morton: Skitsebog og Dagbog fra Dansk Vestindien 1843-44.
Niels Nielsen
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R. S. Thoman & P. B. Corbin: The Geography of Economic Activity.
Anette Markan
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Franklin E. Allison: Soil Organic Matter and its Role in Crop Production.
N. Kingo Jacobsen
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Martin Born: Die Entwicklung der Deutschen Agrarlandschaft.
Kr. M. Jensen
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Paul C. Mangelsdorf: Corn. Its Origin, Evolution and Improvement.
Kr. M. Jensen
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H. Walter, E. Harnickell & D. Mueller-Dombois: Climatediagram Maps of the Individual Continents and the Ecological Climatic Regions of the Earth.
Kr. M. Jensen
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Jean Malaurie (ed.): Le peuple esquimau aujourd'hui et demain.
Børge Fristrup
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»Meteor« Forschungsergebnisse. Reihe A. Nos. 12 og 13.
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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Dieter Kelletat: Beiträge zur regionalen Küstenmorphologie des Mittelmeerraumes.
Kaj Hansen
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J. Tricart & A. Cailleux: Introduction to climatic geomorphology.
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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Chorley, Beckinsale & Dunn;
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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Gösta H. Liljequist: Allgemeine Meteorologie.
Henrik Søgaard
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Terah L Smiley & James H. Zumberge (eds.): Polar Deserts and Modern Man.
Børge Fristrup
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H. H. Cole & Magnar Ronning (eds.): Animal Agriculture.
Kr. M. Jensen
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J. Tricart: Landforms of the humid tropics forests and savannas.
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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Fridriksson, Sturla: Surtsey.
Niels Nielsen
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Lars Bugge Andersen, Henrik Toft Jensen, Viggo Plum & Søren Villadsen: Samfundsanalyse og erhvervsstruktur.
Ruth Helkiær Jensen
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Holger Heuseier (Hrsg.): Deutschland aus dem All
Sten Folving
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B. N. Sinha: Industrial Geography of India.
Steen Folke
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Gerhard Dohr: Applied Geophysics.
Kaj Hansen
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Landsretssagfører Mogens Mullertz, R. DM. p.p. 1891-1975
Axel Schon
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Rektor Willy F. Hellner 1905-1975
Axel Schon
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Sigurd Hansen 4. september 1900- 19. oktober 1973
Niels Nielsen
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Nye kandidater udgået fra Københavns Universitets Geografiske Institut
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Geografisk Tidsskrift 74. bind -1975
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Det Kongelige Danske Geografiske Selskab
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Det Kongelige Danske Geografiske Selskab
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Folia Geographica Danica
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