The Royal Navy North Sea War Plan 1907-1914


  • Michael H. Clemmesen


Royal Navy, North Sea, John Fisher, Arthur Wilson, Winston Churchill, George Ballard, WW1, World War One, First World War


On retiring in spring 1907, Admiral Sir Arthur Wilson assisted his respected First Sea Lord, John Fisher, by consolidating their common ideas into a memorandum about how to defeat Germany quickly via the destruction of the High Seas Fleet in the North Sea, thereby creating an alternative to sending the army to the Continent. His memo mirrored the observational blockade concepts of Captain George Ballard and the work of Captain Henry Jackson on how to employ wireless telegraphy in fleet command and control.  This article follows how these ideas in interplay with experience from the annual manoeuvres influenced the developing war planning up to the start of the war in summer 1914.

Author Biography

Michael H. Clemmesen

Michael Hesselholt Clemmesen er pensioneret brigadegeneral med hovedfagseksamen i historie fra Københavns Universitet. Nu seniorforsker ved Forsvarsakademiets Center for Militærhistorie og præsident for Dansk Militærhistorisk Kommission. Nuværende forskningsfokus er militær idéhistorie samt dansk og nordeuropæisk strategihistorie fra 1870 til 1940. Seneste større udgivelse med relevans for artiklen var Det lille land før den store krig. De danske farvande, stormagtsstrategier, efterretninger og forsvarsforberedelser omkring kriserne 1911-13 (2012).




How to Cite

Clemmesen, M. H. (2014). The Royal Navy North Sea War Plan 1907-1914. Fra Krig Og Fred, (2), 59–115. Retrieved from


