Productive Struggle as a Boundary Object between Co-Teachers in Grade 6 Mathematics Classrooms in the United States


  • Angela Crawford Boise State University



co-teaching, mathematics education, middle grades, productive struggle, boundary objects


PURPOSE: Fostering coherence and sustainability of co-teaching partnerships can be challenging in inclusive mathematics classrooms. Establishing partnerships requires negotiating understandings and activities across disciplinary boundaries(mathematics education and special education) while implementing researcher-recommended practices in unique settings. This study investigates how a specific instructional practice, productive struggle, serves as a boundary object for co-teachers innegotiating those challenges.

APPROACH: I applied a pragmatic lens in a comparative case study to learn how two pairs of teachers engaged in co-teaching navigated disciplinary boundaries around a mathematics pedagogical practice, productive struggle.

RESULTS: The pairs of co-teachers authored meanings for productive struggle and developed distinctive approaches to foster this practice with all students in their inclusive classes. Their meanings and approaches were aligned in ways that were coherent with their goals and beliefs about teaching mathematics. Although productive struggle in their contexts contrasted in some ways with how the practice is portrayed in research literature, teachers described finding value for students’ learning in theirimplementation. They also found inclusive settings and their co-teaching partnerships beneficial for student learning.

CONCLUSION: Teachers used authority and agency in boundary spaces to craft cohesive understandings and approaches toimplement productive struggle, and they saw value in their partnerships for implementing the practice. As critical stakeholders in making inclusion coherent and sustainable, I advocate for teacher-educators and researchers to value teachers’ authority and agency as they implement researcher-recommended teaching practices in inclusive settings.


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