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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The manuscript has been proofread by a native English copy-editor.
  • The authors declared any sources of funding for the work reported in their paper, as well as that they have no conflict of interest to disclose. If the manuscript did not receive any specific funding, the authors must declare: "This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or non-profit sectors.” In cases where there are no conflicts of interest, authors are required to state: "The Author(s) confirm(s) no conflict of interest exists." Manuscripts lacking a statement regarding funding or conflicts of interest will be returned.
  • In the comments for the Editor, the authors proposed two reviewers for the manuscript. The reviewers are international in scope and at least one of them is from an English language speaking country. Authors should not suggest reviewers from their own institution or reviewers where a conflict of interest may arise for the reviewer.

Author Guidelines

The European Journal of Inclusive Education publishes articles and research notes: 

  • Articles must be original, critical and innovative engagements with issues of inclusive education. They should be between 5.000 and 7.000 words, excluding references. Any articles that fall below or above that range will be returned. Authors that plan to submit articles longer than 7,000 words must contact the editorial board in advance.
  • Research notes are short, engaging and imaginative submissions. They offer a space for critical reflection upon experiences of inclusion and research into inclusion, providing insights into practice or methodology. Submissions should be between 2.000 and 4.000 words, excluding references. Manuscript submissions are welcome throughout the year.

Authors should propose two reviewers for their manuscripts. These reviewers should be international in scope and at least one of them should be from an English language speaking country. Authors should not suggest reviewers from their own institution or reviewers where a conflict of interest may arise for the reviewer. Editors make the final decision on the reviewers. 

Requirements The paper must contain the main text of the article including notes, bibliographical references, appendixes, tables, images, charts and artwork. All figures should be included in the paper.

Reviewed manuscripts must be revised by the authors only using the "Track Changes" function in the Review panel of the word processor.

First page The first page should contain:

  • A heading reporting a short title of the paper, which will appear on every page of the document
  • The title
  • An abstract
  • Keywords

General requirement

  • Title: Please select an informative title, which possibly specifies the wider research context (region(s), country(ies).
  • Abstract: The abstract, between 300-400 words, should be structured in four parts: (1) "context" or "purpose", (2) "approach" or "methods", (3) "findings" or "results", (4) "conclusion" or "key message".
  • Points of interest: The article should contain an additional summary headed ‘Points of Interest’. This must be between 100 – 150 words describing in plain English the importance of your work for lay readers. We suggest you aim to do this in four or five bullet points. Please avoid jargon and acronyms. Technical terms and academic concepts need to be explained or avoided.
  • Keywords: Please choose and name 3–5 keywords. Carefully selecting the most appropriate keywords will enhance the ability of others to find your papers. 
  • Headings: The maximum number of levels is three.
  • Figures and Tables: (1) All Figures have to be of high quality (> 300 dpi), legible and numbered conse­cutively. (2) All illustrations, figures, and tables should be placed within the text at the appropriate points. (2) All illustrations, figures, and tables should be numbered and should have a title. (3) The title of a table should be above the table and the title of a figure should be below the figure. (4) All illustrations, figures, and tables should be cited in the text and should be explained. (5) References should be put in the legend.
  • Abbreviations: If you use abbreviations, please define them. If the abbreviation is the name of an organisation, it should be written in full once.
  • Footnotes and acknowledgements: You can use footnotes (but no endnotes) for additional information, but not for the citation of a reference or for bibliographic details of a reference. A footnote should not contain figures or tables. Acknowledgments of grants, funds, etc. should be mentioned in a footnote at the beginning of your paper.
  • References: The Heading “References” is an unnumbered “Heading 1”.

Paper-specific requirements

  • Format: The paper has to be submitted in Word or rtf format. Font: Times New Roman 
  • Dimensions: 12 pt. ( paragraphs’ titles)/ 11 pt. (main text)/ 10 pt. (endnotes);
  • Page Layout: default margins of Word, justified text, with single-spaced lines and no indent for paragraphs;
  • Lengths: Articles should be about 5.000 to 7.000 words in length; Research notes should be about 2.000 to 4.000 words in length.
  • Citations and references: APA style, 7th Edition. A quick guide can be found here.
  • Language: Papers which are not in proper English will not be accepted and the paper will not be forwarded to the reviewers. If English is not your native language, we recommend a professional proofreading prior submission (e.g. proofreadingservices, scribendi, wordvice).

Figures (charts, diagrams, line drawings, photographic images, etc.) should be included in the paper with a mandatory definition 300 dpi.  Authors are responsible for the quality of pictures provided.

Anonymity The full-text of the submission should be  anonymized, including the file properties:

  •  The author(s) name(s) must not appear in the whole paper including references. We suggest to replace the names by “author”. 
  • The address and biographical notes must be erased. 
  • With Microsoft Office documents, author identification should also be removed from the properties for the file (see under File in Word), by clicking on the following, beginning with File on the main menu of the Microsoft application: File > Save As > Tools (or Options with a Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties on save > Save.

Other language versions  EJIE is an English language journal, but this is not the first language of many of our authors. We would be delighted for you to include within your script a link to an online version of your paper in your first language or other language of choice. We would suggest that you flag this link and the language you are using in the alternative version at top of your paper.


Articles should be between 5.000 and 7.000 words, excluding references. Authors that plan to submit articles longer than 7,000 words must contact the editorial board in advance.

Research Notes

Research notes should be between 2.000 and 4.000 words, excluding references.

EJIE Special Issue "Reimagine Special Education"

Call for Papers

Reimagine Special Education” (RiSE)

A Special Issue of the European Journal of Inclusive Education

The guest editors for this special issue are:

Dr Olja Jovanović (Belgrade University), Dr Jude Tah (Stockholm University), Professor Jonathan Rix (The Open University & The Inland Norwegian University of Applied Sciences).



This is an open call for papers to be submitted to the special issue “Reimagine Special Education” after December 15th, 2023. There is no closing date for this call. 


We are happy to receive either: 

                ·         Full papers (max. 7000 words excluding references) which will go through the normal review process for the European Journal of Inclusive Education and must adhere to its author guidelines (see this link for details). 


               ·         an abstract of 250-400 words, with a list of authors and title - should you wish to know if the editors consider whether your idea is relevant to the call, prior to a full paper submission.


Context of the special issue

Inclusive education was introduced as a means to overcome the exclusionary practices and experiences of mainstream and special education systems. Its’ apparent success is that it has globally taken hold even in systems where there is a well-established history of segregatory structures. However, it is understood in many different ways in relation to policy, practice and research (Amor et al, 2019) and in most countries the initial enthusiastic narrative has been met by a continued and frequently resurgent role for special education in various guises (Slee, 2018; Rix, 2015; Hausstatter & Jahnukainen, 2015). Research from across nations show that the drive for an inclusive ethos and culture results in cosmetic and surface-level changes, that numbers of children in special education continues to grow and that it can be supporting upto 40% of all children at some point in their school careers. Across all countries, similar numbers of children spend at least 80% of their time outside of the mainstream classroom, even in those which claim to have closed special education settings. In classroom which seek to enact a pedagogy underpinned by inclusive aims and principles, (e.g.: focussed upon whole class activity and student strengths), practitioners still feel the need to adopt practices for learners identified with special eduational needs that are associated with the special education paradigm (e.g. individualised seating arrangements and behaviour strategies). 

In this context this special issue seeks to explore whether we need to reimagine the nature of special education rather than seek to consign it to history. We wish to consider the possibility that inclusion has re-legitimised special education and become a barrier to special education’s necessary transformation. We invite papers that are interested in: 

·       considering ways in which special education and its traditions are maintained and/or re-legitimised,

·       introducing practical possibilities that can move us beyond this impasse,

·       exploring possible futures for special education and what alternatives may emerge.


Some possible themes for papers to explore.

·       Why does special education fill a gap which inclusion does not?

·       Are there aspects of special education which we should be seeking to retain and redevelop? 

·       What would happen to special education if we prioritise participation and social justice (rather than inclusion)? 

·       Are there views from across the sector that can help us understand the challenges and opportunities?

·       What issues have not yet been sufficiently researched to drive a transformation of special education?

·       Reactions to earlier papers in the call. 


(This special issue has already accepted 5 submissions on the basis of abstracts provided as part of a seminar series at the European Conference on Educational Research 2023. These papers touch on subjects such as individualisation, relationships with support services, administrative processes, ownership of knowledge and the legitimising nature of categories.) 


If you have any questions about this call you can contact Jonathan Rix at or you can join us for a special issue question and answer session on December 15th at 10am (GMT). 

This question and answer session will be an Open Zoom meeting at: link




Amor, A., Hagiwara, M., Shogren, K., et al (2019). International perspectives and trends in research on inclusive education: a systematic review. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 23(12), 1277–1295.

Hausstätter, R. & Jahnukainen, M. (2015). From integration to inclusion and the role of special education. In F. Kiuppis and R. Hausstätter (eds), Inclusive Education Twenty Years after Salamanca (pp. 119-132). Peter Lang.

Rix, J. (2015). Must Inclusion be Special? Routledge.

Slee, R. (2018). Inclusive education isn’t dead, it just smells funny. Routledge.

Call for Papers "Inclusive Education is not Dead"



This is a call for papers to be submitted to the special issue Inclusive Education is not Dead, it just ArticulatesDifferently. Approaches and Pitfalls to the International Comparison” starting from 01.02.2024. The closing date forsubmission is 15.03.2024.


We are happy to receive either: 

  • Full papers (max. 7000 words excluding references) which will go through the normal review process for the European Journal of Inclusive Education and must adhere to its author guidelines (see this linkfor details). 


  • An abstract of 250-400 words, with a list of authors and title - should you wish to know if the editors consider whether your idea is relevant to the call, prior to a full paper submission.


Papers and abstracts can be submitted through the following link:

specifying that they are addressed to the IEDAD Special Call.


Before submitting, please ensure that the contributions comply with the journal's Submission Preparation Checklist and Author Guidelines (



Context of the special issue


Inclusive education can be described as an international paradigm that, on the one hand, has been incorporated into the policies of international (educational) organizations, such as the European Union, the OECD, UNESCO or the World Bank, while on the other hand, it has gained significant visibility through international agreements, such as the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education of 1994, the UN Convention on theRights of Persons with Disabilities of 2006 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals of 2018. The political normative(pro)positions and goals in inclusive education associated with this are currently adopted in national and regionaleducation policies and, subsequently, specific steering processes in education systems are being initiated. Thereby, inclusion needs to be adapted, at both the national and regional level, into different educational systems with differing historical developments, distinct cultures, normative and legal foundations, and then be transferred into practice andspecific conditions.

Against the sketched backdrop inclusive education is discussed to be a fuzzy or slippery concept, meaning that it is difficult to define or operationalize it in a clear and precise way. As this fuzziness might be very well a problem for developing inclusive education systems, it also presents a specific challenge for international comparative research regarding inclusive education. Facing the differences of educational systems, of existing national data sources, and of the way inclusion gets implemented the task of comparing inclusion and participation between educational systems –and also the barriers and discrimination embedded therein – is challenging. For example, in the European discourseon Inclusive Education, different country-specific theoretical and methodological approaches come together. While reading inclusion divergently (Amrhein & Naraian 2022) can be seen as a necessary prerequisite for the European and international analysis of inclusive education, a methodological discussion is nonetheless necessary.


To tackle this challenge, researcher from Germany, Austria and Switzerland founded the DFG-funded (2020-2024)scientific network “Inclusive Education: International and Comparative Perspectives”. Its aim is to explore how thetransformation towards inclusive educational systems, reaching from global to local levels, can be studied in aninternationally comparative manner. Within the network, different theoretical and/or methodological approaches arecompared and discussed with scientists from the international arena to analyze the potentials and limitations ofdifferent approaches for international comparative (educational) research.

The idea for this special issue was born at the ECER conference at the University of Glasgow 2023, where somemembers of the network held a research workshop under the title "Inclusive Education is not Dead, it just ArticulatesDifferently. Discussing Approaches and Pitfalls to the International Comparison" in Network 4 "Inclusive Education". Inthis special edition of the European Journal of Inclusive Education we aim to stick to the idea of that workshop andinitiate a theoretical and methodological discussion by presenting a collection of papers that deal with this challenge.Thus, based on the preliminary work and research of the network, which has already been published in the Handbookof Inclusion International (Köpfer, Powell & Zahnd 2021), the analytical focus of this special issue is rather put on thedevelopment process regarding the international comparative research discourse on inclusive education (i.e., how can international comparative research be done?) than on the implementation process (i.e., results of a comparison ofeducational systems).

The aim is not to evaluate approaches in the sense of a best practice, but to make clear which challenges becomeevident and what kind of approaches (methodological/theoretical) could be helpful to tackle them. Hence, the call will welcome papers from the network members, experts working on the network’s topic, and researchers that participated in the Glasgow’s workshop. It will comprise both theoretical and methodological challenges regarding international andcross-cultural comparison in inclusive education.



Some possible themes for papers to explore.


  • The diversity of understandings of inclusion and synonymous concepts that deal with inclusive education, their theoretical foundations, and how international comparative research has to deal with this diversity (i.e.participation, discrimination)
  • Translating inclusion between “global-national-local” levels and the problem of translation and context-dependence of researcher perspective(s)
  • Classification, categories and the problem of normativity and reification in the context of Internationalcomparative research (i.e. in context of knowledge production process or data production) (cf. Badstieber,Gasterstädt & Köpfer 2022)



Organization / timeline


The special issue is planned to be published in 2025.

After selecting suitable proposals, the authors will be informed and invited to take part in an author`s workshop (online) in May/June 2024. The workshop aims to connect the involved authors and their ideas. Thereby it will also foster theprocess and quality of the contributions.





Amrhein, B. & Naraian, S. (2022). Reading Inclusion Divergently. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Badstieber, Benjamin.

Gasterstädt, J. & Köpfer, A. (2022). Reconstructive Approaches in Inclusive Education – Methodological Challenges ofNormativity and Reification in International Inclusion Research. In: B. Amrhein & S. Naraian (Eds.): Reading Inclusion Divergently: Articulations from Around the World. London: Emerald Publishing, S. 171-186.

Köpfer, A., Powell, J.J.W. & Zahnd, R. (Eds.) (2021): International Handbook of Inclusive Education. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich. Available at: (31.01.2024).

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The names and email addresses entered in the EJIE website will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of the journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.