“La Plata Llega Sola”

[The Money Arrives on it Own]: Reflections on Corruption Trends in Peru


  • Antonio A. R. Ioris



Palabras clave:

corruption, social exclusion, public services, development, Fujimori, Latin America


Corruption is a global problem that feeds on national and local
opportunities. Instead of the prevailing attempts to reduce anti-corruption
strategies to the protection of business interests, corruption needs to be seen
as a sociopolitical relation that emanates from the convergence between
more immediate circumstances and long-term institutional tendencies.
Corruption is, therefore, a phenomenon with synchronic and diachronic
dimensions. The complexity of corruption is examined in relation to the
organization of Peruvian state and society, in particular considering the
recent liberalization reforms and investments in the water industry of Lima.
The Peruvian case study shows how corruption becomes a productive force
from the perspective of conservative elites and the maintenance of political


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Cómo citar

Ioris, A. A. R. (2016). “La Plata Llega Sola”: [The Money Arrives on it Own]: Reflections on Corruption Trends in Peru. Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 17(25), 17. https://doi.org/10.7146/dl.v17i25.112904


