Redes sociais e educação informal

entre o scemo del villaggio e o pensamento crítico


  • Alexandre Anselmo Guilherme
  • Bruno Antonio Picoli


Palabras clave:

scemo del villaggio, social networks, critical thinking, Arendt, Santaella


This article begins with the controversial statement given by Umberto Eco in Turin in June 2015, for whom the internet, and particularly its social networks, gave voice to a legion of idiots; that is, it gave space and visibility to the scemo del villaggio. In the first part of this article we draw on the writings of Santaella and Arendt, critically discussing social networks as public spaces of informal education that enables critical thinking or, on the contrary, promotes non-questioning amplifying the manifestation of forms of violence and the lack of ethical relations. The second part of this article analyses the impact that social networks had on two cases of violence, a lynching and a rape, that occurred respectively in Brazil in 2015 and 2016.


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Cómo citar

Guilherme, A. A., & Picoli, B. A. (2017). Redes sociais e educação informal: entre o scemo del villaggio e o pensamento crítico. Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 18(26), 15.


