‘The Intellectual as Transgressor’
Richard Shaull and Latin American Pedagogical Thinking
Richard Shaull, Paulo Freire, Rubem Alves, Orlando Fals Borda, Latin American pedagogyAbstract
The article analyses the contribution of Richard Shaull (1919-2002), a protestant North American theologian and a pioneer of Theology of Liberation, to Latin American pedagogical thinking. As a missionary in Colombia and Brazil, between 1942 and 1962, he was profoundly touched by Latin American reality and, at the same time, left important imprints on a generation of young people and since then maintained a dialogue with intellectuals that are a reference in Latin American pedagogy: Orlando Fals Borda (1925-2008), Paulo Freire (1921-1996) and Rubem Alves (1933-2014). Places will be presented where the biographies of these four intellectuals meet, as well as marks of transgression of their thinking regarding knowledge and vision of society.
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