La utopía y su música – la Nueva Trova y la Revolución cubana


  • Jan Gustafsson University of Copenhagen



Cuba, Revolution, utopia, music, popular culture, Nueva Trova


The overall theme of this article is the relation between the Cuban Revolution and the musical genre known as the Nueva Trova. Based on the underlying hypothesis that the Cuban revolutionary process has an important utopian dimension, this contribution studies the role of the Nueva Trova in this process, especially in the 1970s and 80s. After a short general discussion of some aspects of this role, the lyrics of some twenty songs are analyzed in order to find different manifestations of revolutionary themes. The analysis is organized according to five suggested modalities: The militant utopia, utopia and intimacy, the complex utopia and utopia questioned. A fifth modality are songs without ideological content. Characteristic of the lyrics studied are their poetic quality, thematic variations, and complexity.


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How to Cite

Gustafsson, J. (2021). La utopía y su música – la Nueva Trova y la Revolución cubana. Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 29, 40–54.