Knowledge production on internationalisation of Higher Education in the Global South Latin America in focus
América Latina en foco
Academic production, Higher education, Internationalization, Latin America, Global SouthAbstract
Drawing on the notion of ecology of knowledges and epistemologies of the South, the study discusses the production of knowledge and internationalization of higher education in Latin America through the analysis of papers published between 2011- 2020 by authors linked to institutions located in this region. Bibliometric techniques were used to compose a corpus of 117 papers from the Scopus database, analyzed in two dimensions. In the editorial dimension, annual production by country and most prevalent languages and journals were analyzed and in the epistemological dimension the most cited authors, word co-occurrence and collaborations were analyzed. Results of the study show that the growth in publications is unmatched by the impact of this production suggesting a lack of ecology of knowledges and epistemologies of the South in Latin America, thus reinforcing the status quo and reverberation of theories produced outside the ecosystem of the South.
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