Entre la literatura y la eugenesia
el ideal de amor, según José Ingenieros
José Ingenieros, ideal, literature, modernismo, love, eugenicsAbstract
The aim of this paper is to analyse the process of naturalization –
conceptual and rethorical– applied to the concept of ideal in the José
Ingenieros works. The concept of ideal de amor is inherited from
Stendhal, and Ingenieros modifies this concept to the point of satisfy,
simultaneously, the rhetorics treatment of the subject –according to
the modernismo aesthetics– and his proper understanding of eugenics
development of the humankind.
It is interesting to note that, while Stendhal talks about the love
process in methaphorical terms, Ingenieros treats the topic in a
extremely literal sense, and as a process exclusively natural, even
when he is informing about his pathological deviations. It is an
example about the rol performed by the biological sciences in the finde-
siècle, when they were transformed in a cognitive diallect used
literal and metaphorically to explain the natural and social reality.
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