Church, State, and Society during the Nicaraguan Revolution


  • John-Paul Wilson



Governors, Christians, Marxist, ecclesia, Popes, Dictators


The course of the Church's history in Nicaragua had changed
from an institution led by a martyred Bishop protecting Indian
rights before Rome and the Spanish King to one largely
concerned with protecting its own interests following
Nicaragua’s independence to one that had come to terms with its
mission to save souls and to serve its people. However, many of
those who took the initiative to bring the Church toward a more
humanitarian orientation in modern times had allowed
themselves to become the tool of a revolutionary political
movement whose aim was to perpetuate its own power.
Ironically, those who truly wished to serve God and His people
found themselves oppressed by those who claimed that they
were doing the same. After a long struggle, a free election in
1990 brought to power a series of democratic governments
allowing freedom of the Church to fulfil its mission.


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How to Cite

Wilson, J.-P. (2009). Church, State, and Society during the Nicaraguan Revolution. Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 10(16), 21.


