Desarrollo turístico en comunidades norteamericanas en México

el caso de álamos, sonora


  • Helene Balslev Clausen
  • Mario Alberto Velázquez García



North American Immigration, Mexico, tourism, experience economy


The article analyses how a group of North American immigrants in a Mexican
city close to the Mexican/US border influences the development of tourism in
the region. We propose a new concept intimate experience economy to show
how the North American group creates a type of tourism as a form of social
activity that permits the tourists to be part of and in contact with scenes,
spaces and landscapes far away from their own every day experiences. The
article concludes that this way the immigrant group creates the possibility to
emphasize certain aspects of the Mexican culture as they believe characterize


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How to Cite

Clausen, H. B., & García, M. A. V. (2010). Desarrollo turístico en comunidades norteamericanas en México: el caso de álamos, sonora. Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 11(17), 25.


