Um romance policial latinoamericano e os fantasmas do passado


  • Giselle Larizzatti Agazzi



Memórias de Aldenham House, detective story, Latin American dictatorship, traumatic memory


In this paper, we aim to analyze Memórias de Aldenham House, written by Antonio Callado. In this novel, the author develops historical questions involving the imperialist policies practiced in England. By considering the typical narrative techniques used in detective story telling, Callado builds a sort of gender parody and illustrates the true crime behind the official report, thus leading the reader to have a critical perspective on reality. Antonio Callado emphasizes the representation of the symbolical violence resulting from truculent practices held by Latin American dictators after the World War II. The novel is, then, perceived as a post-traumatic memory writing of Latin American history.


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How to Cite

Agazzi, G. L. (2011). Um romance policial latinoamericano e os fantasmas do passado. Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 12(18), 13.


