Dos grandes tendencias políticas en América latina
fortalecimiento democrático versus ralentización del populismo
tendencia políticasAbstract
Two Great Tendencies in Latin America: Democratic Strengthening Versus Slowdown of Populism The recent electoral processes in Latin America (Chile, Uruguay and Colombia) have shown that the Populists-chavistas manoeuvres to consolidate and extend their influence in the region have failed. Alternation (Chile) and continuism (Uruguay and Colombia) have characterized these elections. The conclusion is that the institutional system of these countries has been fortified. The result is that the processes of institutional consolidation characterize a part of the Latin American region. Consequently, the Populist project seems to have been relegated to five great countries (Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Cuba). This tendency has motivated the Venezuelan government, as the main exponent of the populist model, to try to extend its horizons, having established a complex framework of external relations with political regimes with which it does not share characteristics in form but in thinking.
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