Roberto Arlt y el campo intelectual argentino de los años veinte y treinta
Roberto Arlt, polemist, intellectual field, critic, tradition vs modernityAbstract
Taking as a basis Beatriz Sarlo and Carlos Altamirano's analysis of the intellectual
field (Literature and Society), inspired by Bourdieu's work on the literary field, we are
going to study the Argentinian intellectual field of the 1920s and the 1930s as well as
the influence that Roberto Arlt had (or didn't have) in this intellectual field. The
writer's short but prolific career —nowadays regarded as one of the greatest authors in
the first half of the century— is, as a matter of fact, marked by his stormy relationship
with most of the intellectual field in his days. When his misused Spanish and his use of
lunfardo (slung of the slums of Buenos Aires) were censured, he, the son of
immigrants, claimed his difference and vehemently criticized the ‘recognized’ authors,
those who showered praise upon them and those who despised him.
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