Reflexões sobre a colonização e a colonialidade no início do século XXI
multiculturalism, capitalism, contemporaneity, colonization, science, world westernAbstract
This article proposes to deal with multiculturalism in the contemporary world and does so
relational. From the sixteenth century the Western world was divided between metropolises
and colonies, with clear roles assigned to each of these parts: it was the first occupation and
exploitation of natural and human resources of the territories under his command and to the
second reduce their existence to condition dependent, producing what is allowed him as and
when it was determined. International capital took its first steps toward the construction of
its hegemony, this first time in close partnership with the nascent nations-states. The crisis
of paradigms and the internationalization of capital imposed other ideologies, other
discourses, including respect for identities, the coexistence of hybrid worlds culturally
different to what he called multiculturalism.
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