Teatro para discutir los movimientos sociales
Education, Theatre, Aesthetic of Ginga, Border Pedagogy, Landless Movement, ArtsAbstract
The Nucleus of Arts, Languages and Subjectivities (NALS), located at
Education Faculty, in the Federal University from Pelotas (UFPEL),
Southern Brazil, develops many activities in education, extension, and
research. The Project “Landless Daisies” consists in the production of a
theatre play with students from post-graduation and graduation together
with some artists in the city Pelotas/RS, Southern Brazil. The playwriting
tells about life histories and reports from women who are from the Landless
Movement, in Brazil. The main focus of interest of this play shows the
importance of women in this Movement and gender discussions in general
society. The NALS develops its activities based on principles of Border
Pedagogy and Aesthetic of Ginga. By doing works based on these
principles, the members of the NALS can put on a practical level what is
indicated in the theoretical presuppositions.
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