La construcción de un currículo transdisciplinar para la educación superior


  • Maria de Fátima Viegas Josgrilbert
  • João Henrique Suano



Transdisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, curriculum


The objective of this article is to narrate a pedagogical, didactical
undertaking in reconstructing a curriculum structure in the context of
undergraduate school, and under a transdisciplinary perspective. What
would come first: changing the project or changing the professor’s attitude?
In order to answer to this question in the pedagogical process we developed
a focal group research project. Other questions shall be considered too, such
us the importance for the region and the customer related to a given
academic degree; the teachers, the physical space, the focus of the
discipline, in the horizon of the mission of the institution. An
inter/transdisciplinarity curriculum favors the connection between scientific
and daily life elements, promoting an institutional social engagement
through the formation of students that seek to promote citizenship in a more
just society. The task of rethinking the disciplines slowly transformed the
professor’s minds.


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How to Cite

Josgrilbert, M. de F. V., & Suano, J. H. (2016). La construcción de un currículo transdisciplinar para la educación superior. Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 17(25), 17.


