‘A lo largo de la vida’

¿educación o aprendizaje?


  • Paula Guimarães




UNESCO, European Union, lifelong education, throughout life education, lifelong learning, adult education policies


This article includes a theoretical discussion on lifelong education, throughout life education and lifelong learning in policy discourses of international organisations such as UNESCO and the European Union since the 1970s. Changes in the use of these expressions in policy discourses point at differences in aims concealed to public policies of adult education. Among these changes, the increasing valuing of lifelong learning as an economic development and human resources management strategy is highlighted. At the same time it can be noted an increasing absence of meanings referring to democratic and emancipatory adult education policies.


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How to Cite

Guimarães, P. (2017). ‘A lo largo de la vida’: ¿educación o aprendizaje?. Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 18(26), 15. https://doi.org/10.7146/dl.v18i26.112728


