The perils of Rhodian chronology: The career of a notable Rhodian from Kamiros


  • Stella Skaltsa


As a tribute to the long and prolific career of Vincent Gabrielsen, this paper makes a small contribution to the intricacies of Rhodian chronology. By taking into consideration recent developments and advances in the field of Rhodian chronology, it proposes to further refine the chronological and historical context of the long career of Philokrates son of Philostephanos, a notable Rhodian from the Kamirian deme of Plarioi. On account of the decree passed in his honour by Kamiros sometime in the first quarter of the 2nd c. BC, Philokrates is one of the best documented Rhodians.




How to Cite

Skaltsa, S. (2024). The perils of Rhodian chronology: The career of a notable Rhodian from Kamiros. Classica Et Mediaevalia, 93–114. Retrieved from