Monasterium in Kala: Commentaire linguistique de trois authentiques de reliques provenant de l’abbaye royale Notre-Dame de Chelles


  • Joseph Reisdoerfer


In an article published in the Revue des Langues Romanes (2012), Professor Banniard insisted on the linguistic interest of authentics, i.e. relic tags or labels, dating from the Merovingian period. In my contribution, I studied the language of relic labels originating from the abbey of Chelles by presenting a linguistic commentary of three tags. The stunning results of this study allowed me to illustrate the passage from Merovingian Latin to Old French.




How to Cite

Reisdoerfer, J. (2024). Monasterium in Kala: Commentaire linguistique de trois authentiques de reliques provenant de l’abbaye royale Notre-Dame de Chelles. Classica Et Mediaevalia, 73, 43–67. Retrieved from