From the East to the West

Trajectories of Foreign Women Studying the Social Science at the Université Nouvelle de Bruxelles (1894-1919)


  • Belgian Belgian



University, Social science, Female students, Migration, Brussels


This paper explores the experiences of foreign women studying the social sciences in a Brussels university during the Belle Époque. It seeks to unravel the motivations behind foreign women's pursuit of social science studies, by examining the educational and professional opportunities available to them. The paper begins by examining the challenges faced by women in higher education in Europe. It then delves into the social science curriculum, within the context of its early-stage of institutionalisation, and analyses the discrepancies between its different disciplines through the lens of gender. By focusing on some women’ individual trajectories, this research aims therefore to provide insights into the intersecting realms of migration, gender, and academia.


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Belgian, B. (2024) “From the East to the West: Trajectories of Foreign Women Studying the Social Science at the Université Nouvelle de Bruxelles (1894-1919) ”, Serendipities, 8(1-2), s. 20–37. doi: 10.7146/serendipities.v8i1-2.133991.


