

  • Steffen Hillmert University of Tübingen




Sociology of science, scientific ethos, scientific practices, research, scholarship, Robert K. Merton, Mertonian norms


Based on available literature, this essay looks at trends in scholarly attitudes and academic practices, primarily within the sphere of social sciences, and asks whether they have been in line with Robert K. Merton’s institutional principles of science as they were formulated in his famous essay “The Normative Structure of Science.” This essay argues that these principles have not been fully imple­mented but have become increasingly recognised and widely accepted as normative points of refer­ence also in large parts of the social sciences. However, there have been both marked deviations and significant side effects. Given the internal heterogeneity of a discipline like sociology, practices that selectively interpret the Merton principles may add to existing internal cleavages.


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