Reimagining Education?

Reflections on The Bhutan Baccalaureate and Nel Noddings’ concepts of Happiness, Education, and Ethics of Care




Happiness and Education; Ethics of Care; Bhutan Baccaleareaute; Value-based education


In this article, based on a brief introduction to the Bhutan Baccaleareaute and Nel Nodding's theories of happiness, education, and ethics of care, I will reflect on the possibilities of 'reimagining' education based on these two approaches. In conclusion, I will briefly discuss limitations and issues in the practical implementation of the two approaches to education.


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How to Cite

Bjerg Petersen, K. (2024). Reimagining Education? Reflections on The Bhutan Baccalaureate and Nel Noddings’ concepts of Happiness, Education, and Ethics of Care. Futures of Education, Culture and Nature - Learning to Become, 2(2), 11–20.