Journal Ethics

Social Interaction is committed to publishing and disseminating high quality research with rigorous ethical standards that are fair and transparent. The journal follows DOAJ's principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing. We expect that all parties involved in activities related to the journal – authors, editors, reviewers, and publishers – have a shared understanding of the journal’s policy in publication ethics and malpractice. These policies are aligned with COPE’s  Core Practices Statement.

Responsibility of the author

By submitting a manuscript for consideration in Social Interaction, the author declares that the submission represents his/her own intellectual work unless clearly stated, and the originality of the research in its presented form, i.e., that it has not been previously published. Exceptions include academic theses and conference presentations. Audio and/or video recordings (‘data’) that are used in the paper have been collected according to local ethical regulations and procedures. Representation of video/audio clips, photos/screen shots etc. in the paper follows the agreement between the data collector and participants.

Responsibility of reviewers

The peer review process is a crucial component in maintaining a high academic quality, and invaluable in guiding the editors towards editorial or publishing decisions. Reviewers must treat manuscripts – including transcripts, video/audio clips and other information that is made available by the editor as part of the review request – confidentially and not share it with others without the explicit approval of the journal editors. Potential reviewers should withdraw from the review process if she/he feels unqualified to assess the manuscript in a fair, objective and professional manner (e.g., personal or professional conflict of interest). The review report should be written collegially and academically, and comments should be clearly expressed and based on the manuscript. Personal criticism of the author(s) is inappropriate.

Responsibility of the editors

The editor(s) is responsible for determining which submissions to the journal will be published. This decision is based on the manuscript’s merits and informed by the review reports. The author’s gender, ethnicity, political or religious beliefs, sexual orientation or other personal information are not considered. The editor treats submissions confidentially, and only share manuscripts with potential reviewers and members of the editorial board. The editors ensure a double-blind peer review process. In the case of submissions where the editors have a conflict of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative or personal connections with the author(s) they will ask another member of the editorial board to handle the manuscript.

How to raise a concern

Anyone who believes that research published in Social Interaction does not meet these principles should raise their concerns with the editors and/or a member of the editorial board.