The Regarded Listener

Transcribing the Multiparty Social Ecology of Children’s Collaborative Storytelling


  • Sarah Jean Johnson University of Texas at El Paso
  • Frederick Erickson University of California Los Angeles



multimodal transcription, participation frameworks, oral narrative, peer interaction


Current theories of human social interaction characterize interactants, both speakers and hearers, as possessing a rich cognitive and reflexive life achieved through collaboratively built action. However, prevailing transcription approaches, which tend to neglect listening activity, do not adequately incorporate such understandings of the phenomena they represent transcriptively. We review the history and scholarship of video-based studies of human sociality. We then present an example of horizontal transcription to demonstrate the utility of this approach in capturing the spatial, temporal, and visual components of human social interaction—in this case, that of young children telling stories as they are writing them.


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How to Cite

Johnson, S. J., & Erickson, F. (2022). The Regarded Listener: Transcribing the Multiparty Social Ecology of Children’s Collaborative Storytelling. Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 5(3).


