Embodied Micro-Transitions

A Single-Case Analysis of an Amateur Band Studio Session


  • Junichi Yagi University of Hawaii at Manoa




activity transitions, auditory objects, multiactivity, temporality, music


Employing multimodal conversation analysis, this article examines a single episode of interaction taken from a studio session, during which two musicians check a chord progression. It illustrates how intra-activity micro-transitions are solely achieved through embodied actions. The detailed analysis reveals (a) how the suspension of “playing-along” is occasioned to exhibit participants’ orientation to auditory objects whose “turning-on” makes relevant disengagement from other interactional involvements; and (b) how the temporal complexities of multiactivity are contingently managed in exclusive order, explicating (c) members’ embodied practices for working around the organizational constraints of the auditory objects.  


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How to Cite

Yagi, J. (2021). Embodied Micro-Transitions: A Single-Case Analysis of an Amateur Band Studio Session. Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 4(4). https://doi.org/10.7146/si.v4i4.128655


