Capturing multisensoriality
Introduction to a special issue on sensoriality in video-based fieldwork
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Mondada, Lorenza; Monteiro, David & Tekin, Burak S. (2020). The tactility and visibility of kissing: Intercorporeal configurations of kissing bodies in family photography sessions. In A. Cekaite & L. Mondada (Eds.), Touch in Social Interaction: Touch, Language and Body (pp. 54-80). London: Routledge.
Mondada, Lorenza; Bouaouina, Sofia A.; Camus, Laurent; Gauthier, Guillaume; Svensson, Hanna & Tekin, Burak S. (2021). The local and filmed accountability of sensorial practices: The intersubjectivity of touch as an interactional acheivement. Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 4(3).
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Nishizaka, Aug (2020). Multi-Sensory Perception during Palpation in Japanese Midwifery Practice. Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 3(1).
Raia, Federica, Marjorie H. Goodwin, and Mario C. Deng. (2020). Forms of Touch during Medical Encounters with an Advanced Heart Failure (AdHF) Doctor who Practices Relational Medicine. Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 3(1).
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Salvadori, Francesca Astrid, and Giampietro Gobo. (2020). Sensing the Bike: Creating a Collaborative Understanding of a Multi‐Sensorial Experience in MotoGP Racing. Symbolic Interaction, 44(1), 112-133.
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Wiggins, Sally & Keevallik, Leelo (2020). Enacting Gustatory Pleasure on Behalf of Another: The Multimodal Coordination of Infant Tasting Practices. Symbolic Interaction, 44(1), 87-111.
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