Collaborative work on an online platform in video-mediated homework support


  • Helen Melander Bowden Uppsala University
  • Johanna Svahn Uppsala University



video-mediated interaction, homework support, virtual workspace, tutoring


This study concerns the interactional work involved in the accomplishment of video-mediated homework support and is based on a single case analysis of an instructional encounter between a tutor and an upper-secondary student working together on mathematical assignments. In addition to communicating through video, the participants use an online digital platform that constitutes a shared workspace and interface between the participants, who are situated in geographically disparate locations. A crucial feature of the setting is the unequal distribution of epistemically rich artefacts, such as the maths book, to which the tutee has sole access. Drawing on ethnomethodology and multimodal interaction analysis, the analyses show how the interaction is shaped by and contingent upon the affordances of the online platform and the particular circumstances of the video-mediated setting. The findings reveal how the participants work together to establish shared points of reference from which they embark on collaborative problem-solving trajectories while establishing the problem to be worked upon and its interpretation, as well as negotiating proper presentations of solutions. Additionally, the way in which the participants overcome the interactional and epistemic challenges implicated by the unequal access to crucial epistemic resources is shown.


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How to Cite

Melander Bowden, H., & Svahn, J. (2020). Collaborative work on an online platform in video-mediated homework support. Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 3(3).