Eye-tracking Recordings as Data in EMCA Studies

Exploring Possibilities and Limitations





ethnomethodological conversation analysis, eye-tracking, gaze behaviour


The article contributes to the ongoing discussion of the potential of using eye-tracking recordings in ethnomethodological conversation analysis (EMCA) by exploring to what extent and under what circumstances such recordings may be useful for EMCA studies of multimodal social interaction. For this purpose, it analyzes examples of social conduct recorded by one video camera and one set of eye-tracking glasses. The article concludes that while eye-tracking recordings may, in some specific cases, provide new analytic possibilities for studying social action, they are by no means indispensable for EMCA research in multimodal social interaction, and making use of mobile eye-tracking equipment and recordings may compromise the data as well as the analytic procedure.


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How to Cite

Dalby Kristiansen, E., & Rasmussen, G. (2021). Eye-tracking Recordings as Data in EMCA Studies: Exploring Possibilities and Limitations. Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 4(4). https://doi.org/10.7146/si.v4i4.121776


