
  • SJCAPP starts cooperation with the publisher Exeley


    The Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (SJCAPP) has now started to cooperate with the new US publisher Exeley. Exeley and the Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology [SJCAPP] aim to provide an enhanced experience to the journal’s audience by introducing such services as: registration of DOI numbers, creation of live links or social media integration, promotion of the continuing research, and popularization of its scientific findings. Furthermore indexing services and real time statistics /article metrics (available online), XML conversion and responsive design.

    Please check out the new platform:

    All our articles will be converted with XML codes  and uploaded shortly to the Exley platform. 

    Our Journal will still be hosted on this server of the State Libray in Århus until end of 2017. Submission must now be sent to:

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