Literature as ethics: Stanley Cavell, Robert Musil, and the scope of moral perfectionism


  • Mette Blok



“But can philosophy become literature and still know itself?” With this pointed question the American philosopher Stanley Cavell famously ended his monumental work The Claim of Reason (1979), thereby expressing his vision for the relation between philosophy and literature.


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Cavell, Stanley: Must We Mean What We Say? A Book of Essays, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2002

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Cavell, Stanley: Cities of Words. Pedagogical Letters on a Register of the Moral Life, Harvard University Press, Cambridge 2004

Cavell, Stanley: Philosophy the Day after Tomorrow, Harvard University Press, Cambridge 2005

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Ibsen, Henrik: A Doll’s House, in The Complete Major Prose Plays, trans. Rolf Fjelde, Plume Books, New York 1978

Musil, Robert: The Man without Qualities, trans. Sophie Wilkins, Alfred A. Knopf, New York 1995

Nussbaum, Martha: Love’s Knowledge. Essays on Philosophy and Literature, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1990

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Taylor, Andrew and Kelly, Áine (eds.): Stanley Cavell, Literature, and Film. The Idea of America, Routledge, New York 2013





Blok, M. (2018). Literature as ethics: Stanley Cavell, Robert Musil, and the scope of moral perfectionism. Res Cogitans, 13(1).