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Focus and Scope

Proceedings of Pragmatic Constructivism (ProPraCon) aims at serving as a medium for publishing original research related to—but not limited to—the conferences and workshops that takes a pragmatic-constructivist approach to social science. PPC covers the fields of humanities, social sciences, and technology. Thereby, it specifically focuses on the construction of reality in any type of organization through the use of participant approaches. Contributions in PPC may be empirical or analytical, including reviews, speeches, comments, or notes.

Peer Review Process


ProPraCon accepts two types of submissions. They are treated the same way:

• Conference submission: ProPraCon publishes the work of authors that has been accepted at the workshops and conferences of the Research Group for Actor Reality Construction. Publication of conference material is not mandatory for authors. Contributions of this kind should be sent to the respective organizer of the conference/workshop. The organizer of the conference/workshop manages the peer review process and notifies the editor of ProPraCon of the reviewer’s name, comment, and recommendations. It is the responsibility of the authors to send a printable version of their work to the editor of ProPraCon once their work has been accepted for publication.

• Open submission: Additionally, ProPraCon accepts submissions from non-presenters. These are subject to the same review process as the conferences presentations. The only difference is that they are submitted directly to the editor of ProPraCon instead of the conference organizer.


The referee process is a double-blind peer review. ProPraCon aims at turnaround times of 8 weeks maximum.

The editor or the organizer of the conference reviews each initial submission and judges the general suitability for publication or acceptance to the conference, respectively. Then the submission is sent to at least one reviewer for double-blind review. Based on the recommendation, as well as consultation between organizers and editors, the editor decides whether the submission should be accepted, rejected, or revised (minor or major revisions).

Submissions of type A and B must contain at least

• A cover letter indicating which section the submission targets

• A separate title page identifying the author(s), including any acknowledgements

• An anonymized manuscript (full paper or extended abstract).

 Authors that were accepted for a workshop/conference are allowed to change the targeted section among essays, dialogs, and notes (provided they take into account the comments from the workshop/conference and also adjust the format of their submission).

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.