Artificial Intelligence and Privacy

Causes for Concern




Artificial Intelligence, Heuristic Zones of Privacy, Machine Learning, Privacy


Modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have a rapidly growing impact on a wide range of human activities. AI methods are being used in varied domains such as healthcare, material science, infrastructure engineering, social media, surveillance technologies, and even artistic expression. They have been used for the purposes of drug discovery via protein folding prediction, power usage optimization through reinforcement learning, and facial recognition by means of image segmentation. Their effectiveness and wide-scale, unregulated deployment within our societies pose significant risks to our fundamental rights. Multiple existing AI methods have the potential to profoundly undermine our ability to safeguard our privacy. The societal impact of such AI models can be investigated through six concentric Heuristic Zones of privacy. These AI models can perform inferences regarding highly sensitive, personal information such as race, gender, and intelligence from seemingly innocuous data sources beyond the capabilities of human experts. They are capable of generating increasingly accurate text and image recreations of our thoughts from non-invasive brain activity recordings such as magnetoencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Furthermore, prospective AI technologies pose concerns about the existential risk to our civilization which extend beyond the erosion of privacy and other fundamental human rights.

Author Biography

Natacha Klein Kafer, Faculty of Theology University of Copenhagen

I am currently researching the interplay between health and privacy in the early modern period and the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Beyond medical discourse on privacy, I focus on how popular healing knowledge survived in the private sphere despite the efforts to suppress these practices, paying particular attention to the relationship between popular healing and “official” medical knowledge, witch trials, the legal framing of healing practices, and colonial encounters. I am particularly interested in how health is framed in trans-continental and trans-imperial contexts of healing knowledge transmission and the cross-connections between health, death, superstition, secrecy, and privacy.


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How to Cite

Jurewicz, M., Klein Kafer, N., & Kran, E. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and Privacy: Causes for Concern. Privacy Studies Journal, 3, 1–32.



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