Sæt fuglen fri

En alternativ læsning af "De Dødes Rige"


  • Laura Koldborg Sørensen




This article explores the portrayal of women in Henrik Pontoppidan’s novel The Realm of the Dead (1917). The main argument is that the depiction of women in the novel can be interpreted as a critique of their societal roles at the time. The analysis focuses particularly on Jytte Abildgaard, the novel’s female protagonist. In the article, I draw upon character-analytical perspectives and concepts derived from Per Krog Hansen’s Karakterens Rolle (2000). As well as I as an interpretative and comprehension-enhancing framework for the analysis use, Judith Butler’s article “An Acoount of Oneself” (2005) and insights from Georg Lukác’s Romanens teori (1994) are included. The article concludes that the longing for death that characterizes Jytte Abildgaard is derived from what Lukács mentions as ‘transcendental husvildhed’. This homelessness must be understood as a critique of the limited role of women in society at the time. Based on the findings of this article, it is possible to interpret the portrayal of women as a critique of the contemporary woman’s societal position. My approach is inspired by Roland Barthe’s ideas concerning the readable and writable text. The analysis I unfold here should not be understood as a replacement for previous readings of The Realm of the Dead, but rather as an alternative to canonized interpretations of the novel





Koldborg Sørensen, L. (2024). Sæt fuglen fri: En alternativ læsning af "De Dødes Rige". Pontoppidaniana, (3), 21–43. https://doi.org/10.7146/pontoppidaniana.vi3.146875