Knæk koden. Om Michael Hardt og Antonio Negris opgør med den nyliberale finansøkonomi


  • Peter Nielsen



Finansøkonomi, Nyliberalisme, Michael, Hardt, Antonio, Negri, Antagonistisk reformisme, Hegemonikamp


The neoliberal financial economy is for Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri a reaction to the struggles for democracy, identity and sustainability since the 1960’s in particular. For Hardt and Negri the task is then to not only analyze and criticize but to crack the neoliberal financial code. This process can take place by combining exodus on the micro level with antagonistic reformism and hegemonic struggle on the macro level.


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Nielsen, P. (2019). Knæk koden. Om Michael Hardt og Antonio Negris opgør med den nyliberale finansøkonomi. Politik, 21(3).


