Who knows what and when? Irony, knowledge, and hybrid cinema in <em>I’m Still Here</em>


  • Thomas Spejlborg Sejersen



Denne artikel undersøger grænselandet mellem dokumentar- og fiktionsdiskurs gennem en analyse af Casey Afflecks hybridfilm, I’m Still Here (2010). Filmens brug af ironi – tekstuelt såvel som ekstratekstuelt – fordrer et blik på, hvordan forskellige vidensniveauer mellem filmens sociale aktører, karakterer og tilskuere er organiseret. Den opstillede analytiske tilgang kan endvidere bruges til at skelne mellem typer af hybridfilm i en bredere forstand. Afslutningsvist argumenterer denne artikel for, at den ironiske dobbeltdiskurs, der beskrives som en specifik variant af hybridfilmen, er i stand til at producere dokumentar- og fiktionsdiskurs samtidigt.


This article explores the border zone between documentary and fiction discourse through an investigation of Casey Affleck’s hybrid film, I’m Still Here (2010). With the film’s attribution of textual and extra-textual irony, the article focuses on the organization of levels of knowledge among social actors, characters, and spectators. The established analytical framework can also help distinguish between different variations of hybrid cinema. In conclusion, this article argues that the ironic double discourse, described as a specific variant of hybrid cinema, is capable of producing documentary and fiction discourse simultaneously.




How to Cite

Sejersen, T. S. (2016). Who knows what and when? Irony, knowledge, and hybrid cinema in <em>I’m Still Here</em>. Journal of Media, Cognition and Communication, 4(2). Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/mef-journal/article/view/28766


