Interview til debat – Om Martin Krasniks spørgsmålsdesign


  • Tobias Boelt Larsen


Artiklen beskæftiger sig med, hvordan journalist Martin Krasnik med sine interviewteknikker bryder med interviewformatet, som vi kender det, samt hvilke konsekvenser disse brud kan have. På baggrund af blandt andre John Heritage og Steven Clayman samt Emanuel Schegloffs undersøgelser af, hvordan et nyhedsinterview almindeligvis forventes at udspille sig, konkluderer artiklen, at Krasniks spørgsmålsdesign ekspliciterer en tendens til, at journalisters spørgsmål bliver stadig mere direkte, ladede og fjendtlige. Artiklen er skrevet over mit speciale om præsuppositioner i nyhedsinterviews.


This article deals with Danish journalist Martin Krasnik’s use of interview techniques and how these techniques differ from the interview format as we know it as well as the possible consequences of this particular interview style. On the basis of John Heritage and Stephen Clayman as well as Emanuel Schegloff’s extensive studies on how news interviews are commonly expected to unfold, the article concludes that Krasnik’s question designs explicate a tendency for the questions of journalists to become increasingly direct, assertive and hostile. The article is based on my master thesis on presuppositions in news interviews.




How to Cite

Larsen, T. B. (2016). Interview til debat – Om Martin Krasniks spørgsmålsdesign. Journal of Media, Cognition and Communication, 4(1). Retrieved from


