The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration’s Fight against Fake Nutrition News on Digital Media


  • Mie Gundertofte Vestergaard Studerende
  • Laura Mølhave Nielsen Student


fake news, ernæring, regeringen, troværdighed, digitale medier


This article examines fake nutrition news on digital media and the steps the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) are taking to counteract this development. Through a critical discourse analysis of four cases, we aim to shed light on the DVFA’s tactics to counteract the fake nutrition news phenomenon and discuss how the development of digital media has affected the spreading of fake news and alternate methods to combat fake news. The article concludes that the DVFA use discourses of responsibility and credibility to combat fake news and promote their strategy by establishing themselves as a credible source who consumers should trust.


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How to Cite

Vestergaard, M. G., & Nielsen, L. M. (2019). The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration’s Fight against Fake Nutrition News on Digital Media. Journal of Media, Cognition and Communication, 7(2), 21. Retrieved from


