The genus Lycoperdon in Greenland and Svalbard
The collections of Lycoperdon from Greenland and Svalbard kept at the Botanical Museum of Copenhagen are reviewed. In the surveyed material ten species are on record from Greenland whereas only three species were represented in the collections from Svalbard. An arctic-alpine element with wide distributions in Greenland and Svalbard is represented by L. frigidum, L. niveum and some forms of L. molle s.l.
A subarctic - low arctic element consisting of species widespread in temperate regions of N America and Eurasia (L. lambimomii, L. nigrescens, L. norvegicum, L. perlatum, L. pyriforme and L. umbrinum) are confined to S and SW Greenland. One species, L. lividum, although rare, is widely distributed in Greenland but seems to be restricted to regions with low precipitation.
Coypyright by the authors and the Commision for Scientific Research in Greenland / Danish Polar Center/Museum Tusculanum Press as indicated in the individual volumes. No parts of the publications may be reproduced in any form without the written permission by the copyright owners.