A note on the diet of narwhals (Monodon monoceros) in Inglefield Bredning (NW Greenland)
The contents of 35 narwhal (Monodon monoceros) stomachs were obtained from the Inuit hunt in Inglefield Bredning (NW Greenland) in the open-water seasons of 1984 and I 985. Questions concerning narwhal feeding habits were addressed by relating lengths of otoliths and invertebrate remains to the known lengths and weights of fishes and invertebrate species prior to digestion, and by assessing the number and volume of each prey species represented by the stomach contents. The 48 kg (wet weight) of stomach contents examined consisted of 64% arctic cod (Arctogadus glacialis), 15% polar cod (Boreogadus saida), 19% unidentified gadids and 2% invertebrates.
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