Ornithological observations in Northeast Greenland between 74°30' and 76°00' N. lat., 1976
The results of one summer's work in central Northeast Greenland are presented. The avifauna in the country traversed on several extensive survey trips is described. More intensive studies were made in an 18.2 km2 census area on southernmost Hochstetter Forland. Here the populations were followed throughout the breeding season, and information on arrival, pre-laying period, population densities, habitat and nest site selection, breeding schedule, clutch size, hatching success, re-nesting, non-breeders, moult, post-breeding activities and departure is given. Special attention is given to Clangula hyemalis, Somateria spectabilis, Anser brachyrhyncus, Arenaria interpres, Calidris maritima, Calidris alpina, Calidris alba, Phalaropus fulicarius and Stercorarius longicaudus. An extremely high predation pressure was caused by Alopex lagopus, and this is discussed in relation to lemming abundance and environmental conditions.
Coypyright by the authors and the Commision for Scientific Research in Greenland / Danish Polar Center/Museum Tusculanum Press as indicated in the individual volumes. No parts of the publications may be reproduced in any form without the written permission by the copyright owners.