"Først som en tragedie - så som en komedie". Idrættens transformering, Dybbøl Banke og en sandkasse i Potsdam


  • Jørn Hansen




Essayet belyser på et metaplan det at skrive historie, og hvordan historien gentager sig med eksempel fra kampen om Dybbøl Banke.

“First as tragedy, then as comedy”. The transformation of sport, Dybbøl Hill and a sandpit in Potsdam.

Dybbøl Hill has played a central role for history and for the writing of history in both Denmark and Germany. Since 1864 Dybbøl has had decisive significance for the development of popular national identity in Denmark, and by extension for popular sport.

Last year a battle for Dybbøl Hill was fought once again. The battle saw no blood spilt and was first and foremost a conflict about how history should be presented and how different presentational forms affect our understanding of both our past and our present.

In this article a curious connection will be proved between the latest battle of Dybbøl Hill and so-called historical relics in Berlin and Potsdam. A copy of the fortifications at Dybbøl in a sandpit at the New Palace in Potsdam, in particular, comes to support the old saying, “History repeats itself first as tragedy, then as comedy.”


Jørn Hansen

Jørn Hansen, lektor, Institut for Idræt & Biomekanik, Syddansk Universitet, Odense.






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