Den kinesiske studiekommissions besøg i København 1906


  • Leif Littrup


The Chinese Study Commission in Denmark in 1906
In April 1906, an Imperial Chinese commission visited Denmark on its tour through fifteen states to study methods of government. An article in Historisk Tidsskrift 2021:1, pp. 47-72, mainly based on two newspaper reports, gives a rather negative impression of their reception and stay in Copenhagen This essay investigates more thoroughly the Danish newspapers and other printed sources, including printed documents by the two Chinese leaders of the commission: a diary by Dai Hongci and a collection of memoranda by Duanfang. These documents enable us to follow the program of their visit, from the Danish government’s invitation through the group’s departure to Sweden. The conclusion is that the commission was treated in the manner to be expected, that is friendly and respectfully, and that the two newspapers – in this respect – are unreliable.




Littrup, L. (2023). Den kinesiske studiekommissions besøg i København 1906. Historisk Tidsskrift, 122(1), P. 73–85. Hentet fra