Abraham’s Battle with the Mesopotamian Kings and His Encounter with Melchizedek


  • James K. Hoffmeier Trinity International University, Divinity School




Abraham, Melchizedek, Genesis 14, retainer/ חָנִיךְ


The events described in Genesis 14 have been of great interest to biblical scholars and theologians over the centuries, especially seeking to understand the nature of the meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek and the significance of the priest-king of Salem offering bread and wine to the Patriarch. While theological readings typically dominate the literature on this mysterious meeting, the intent of this study is to examine this encounter in its military setting side-by-side with other Old Testament texts and ancient Near Eastern parallels. The latter will include focusing on Gen 14:13–18 alongside the Tale of Sinuhe, Tanaach Tablet 6, Papyrus Anastasi I, and other sources. It will be suggested that Melchizedek’s actions are consistent with one seeking to appease a military victor.


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How to Cite

Hoffmeier, J. K. (2024). Abraham’s Battle with the Mesopotamian Kings and His Encounter with Melchizedek. HIPHIL Novum, 9(2), 22–36. https://doi.org/10.7146/hn.v9i2.152114