Old Testament Law, Pastoral Counseling, and Community Engagement in Lutheran Perspective
Mosaic law, Old Testament law, Luther, antinomism, natural law, positive law, folk law, Sachsenspiegel, supersessionism, replacement theology, law and gospel, Biblical ethics, New Covenant, ethical guidance, pastoral counselling, community engagementAbstract
The paper explores Martin Luther's stance on Old Testament law, specifically his dismissal of the Mosaic law’s binding nature for Christians. It argues that Luther’s reliance on natural law as an inherent instinct for grasping the order of creation raises challenges due to the inherent ambiguity and fallen nature of human understanding. The analysis delves into biblical, philosophical, and historical perspectives on natural law, underscoring the intricacies surrounding its practical application. Additionally, the article criticizes Luther’s supersessionist theology, which posits the replacement of Mosaic law by Christ, asserting that it lacks exegetical rigor. The significance of comparative studies in comprehending Mosaic Law is demonstrated by drawing insights from ancient Near Eastern legal traditions. This approach presents a model that views Mosaic law as normative covenantal instruction adaptable to real-life situations. Building on these insights, the paper recommends considering Richard Averbeck’s and Nicolai Winther-Nielsen’s approaches to Mosaic law and its application in contemporary Christian life.
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