Typologi for visioner for Grønlands fremtid.

Analyse af legitimitet og sammenligninger


  • Klaus Georg Hansen




In the debates in Greenland during the last 75 years on the future for Greenland
it has been discussed what could be regarded as legitimate and non-legitimate
at a given time. Furthermore, comparisons have been made with other countries,
areas, population groups, and events in the world. Nine interviews have provided
a basis for the broad qualitative study. In the analysis, possible structures
for a typology of visions on the future for Greenland are sought in the answers
of the informants. Five cross-cutting topics are chosen and analyzed as indicators:
1) legitimacy focus, 2) constitutional focus, 3) considerations about finances,
4) reference to the Danish constitution, and 5) use negative comparison. In
addition, two cross-cutting topics are analyzed as potential indicators: Positive
comparison and assessment of the societal process. In conclusion of the analysis,
a typology of four types of visions for Greenland is identified: A) advocates of
Decolonization, B) advocates of independence, C) advocates of ‘rigsfællesskab’,
and D) advocates of Christianity. The question is still when a new narrative will
quantitatively reach such a scale that it can turn into a qualitative change in the
form of a new legal status for Greenland.

Author Biography

Klaus Georg Hansen

Selvstændig konsulent og filmproducer, ph.d. Tidligere institutleder og chef for Groenlandica og Sisimiut Museum, vicedirektør og seniorforsker ved Nordregio. Har forsket i begrebshistorie, kolonihistorie, samfundsudvikling, storskalaindustri, demografi, urbanisering samt politisk og demokratisk udvikling i
Grønland og i Arktis.




How to Cite

Hansen, K. G. (2024). Typologi for visioner for Grønlands fremtid.: Analyse af legitimitet og sammenligninger. Cultural and Social Research in Greenland, 83–103. https://doi.org/10.7146/gksf.vi.145152