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Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography
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Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 84 (1984)
Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 84 (1984)
Altitudinal trends of talus-derived lobate rock glaciers on Disko, central West Greenland
Ole Humlum
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Field studies of land use under chitemene shifting cultivation, Zambia
Peter Strømgaard
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Farm size structure in Denmark Regional pattern and development since the 1960s
Anette Reenberg
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Geomorphological effects of the Rømø Dam: development of a tidal channel and collapse of a dike
Margot Jespersen and Erik Rasmussen
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Changes in regional employment in Denmark in the seventies
Bue Nielsen and Peder Michael Sørensen
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Soil map of Denmark according to the FAO-UNESCO legend (pi. 1)
N. Kingo Jacobsen
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Migration trends on the Faroe Islands
Rolf Guttesen
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Changes in diversity within Danish agriculture
Kr. M. Jensen
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A permanent agro-geographical division of Denmark?
Aa. H. Kampp
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The Third Danish Scientific Expedition to Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, 1982-83.
Peter Frederiksen
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Unemployment and economic activities in the EC
Bue Nielsen
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Urban industrial Areas
Hans Thor Andersen
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Soil map of Denmark according to the FAO-UNESCO Legend
N. Kingo Jacobsen
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Nyt fra den historisk/geografiske forskningsfront
Viggo Hansen
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The Periglacial form group of Southwestern Denmark
Harald Svensson
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Digital Analysis of Landsat Images for Land Use Mapping in Denmark
Vibeke Niels-Christiansen and Kjeld Rasmussen
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Clay Migration and Podzolization in a Danish Soil
Henrik Breuning Madsen
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Danish Regional Development During Economic Crisis
Sven Illeris
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Development of Deltas in Some Danish Watercourses
Bent Hasholt
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Urban land-use in the Core Area of Medium-sized Danish towns
Sten Engelstoft
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John Levi and Michael Havinden: Economics of African agriculture:
Sofus Christiansen
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David Phillips, Allan Williams: Rural Britain: a social geography.
Viggo Hansen
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Glacial deposits in North- West Europe/ ed. by Jürgen Ehlers.
Peter Frederiksen
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Recollections of a revolution: geography as spatial science. Ed. by Mark Billinge, Derek Gregory and Ron Martin.
Viggo Hansen
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Werner Richter: Neue Wege der Stadtplanung in ariden Räumen des Nahen Ostens: Beispiele aus dem Bereich der israelischen Pioniergrenze. (Geographische Luftbildinterpretation,
Viggo Hansen
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Environmental impact assessment. Ed. by PADC Environmental Impact Assessment and Planning Unit. (NATO advanced study institutes series. Series D, Behavioural and social sciences, no. 14.
Kr. M. Jensen
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The Soviet Union: a systematic geography. Leslie Symons [et al.].
Kr. M. Jensen
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R. J. Johnston: Geography and geographers: Anglo-American human geography since 1945. 2. ed..
Viggo Hansen
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C. G. Bamford and H. Robinson: Geography of the EEC: a systematic economic approach.
Viggo Hansen
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M. J. Troughton: Canadian agriculture. (Geography of world agriculture; 10).
Sofus Christiansen
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Anneliese Krenzlin: Beiträge zur Kulturlandschaftsgenese in Mitteleuropa: gesammelte Aufsätze aus vier Jahrzehnten. (Erdkundliches Wissen, H. 63).
Kr. M. Jensen
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Atlas zur Raumentwicklung. 9: Benachteiligte
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Carl Christiansson: Soil erosion and sedimentation in semi-arid Tanzania: studies of environmental change and ecological imbalance. (University of Stockholm. Department of Physical Geography. Meddelande. A nr. 119).
Peter Frederiksen
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Agricultural and rural development in Indonesia Ed. by Gary E. Hansen.
Sofus Christiansen
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Bibliographia Cartographica: Internationale Dokumentation des Kartographischen Schrifttums. Vol. 9 (1982).
Henning Mørch
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Remote sensing for resource management. Ed. by Chris J. Johannsen and James L. Sanders.
Sten Folving
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Tropical savannas. Ed. by Francois Bourliére. (Ecosystems of the world, 13).
Peter Strømgaard
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Ole Degn: Ribe 1500-1950. (Scandinavian atlas of historie towns no. 3).
Viggo Hansen
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G. W. W. Elbersen: Mechanical replacement processes in mobile soft calcic horizons; their role in soil and landscape genesis in an area near Mérida, Spain. - (Agricultural research reports; 919).
Peter Frederiksen
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Christian Vandermotten: Atlas economique de la Belgique.
Henning Mørch
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Karl-Günther Schneider und Bernd Wiese: Die Städte des südlichen Afrika. (Urbanisierung der Erde. Bd. 2).
Viggo Hansen
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Canada coast to coast. Introduction by Roger
Henning Mørch
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Atlas der Donauländer. 7.
Henning Mørch
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R. J. Johnston: Geography and the state: an essay in political geography.
Viggo Hansen
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Soils of the Kisii area, Kenya. 3 Eds.: W. G. Wielemaker & H. W. Boxem. (Agricultural research reports, 922).
Peter Frederiksen
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E. C. Barrett and L. F. Curtis: Introduction lo environmental remote sensing. 2. ed.
Sten Folving
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A geography of Hong Kong. Eds. T. N. Chiu and C. L. So.
Viggo Hansen
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Eric Carp: Directory of wetlands of international importance in the Western Palearctic.
N. Kingo Jacobsen
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F. Harper: Principles of arable crop production.
Kr. M. Jensen
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Axel Steensberg: Borups bønder: et sjællandsk agrarsamfund i vikingetid og middelalder.
Viggo Hansen
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Harold Carter: An introduction to urban historical geography.
Viggo Hansen
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Die ländliche Siedlung als Forschungsgegenstand der Georgraphie. Hrsg. von Gerhard Henkel. (Wege der Forschung, Bd. 616).
Viggo Hansen
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Dietmar Henze: Enzyklopädie der Entdecker und Erforscher der Erde. - Lieferung 10: Her-Ju.
Viggo Hansen
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Coasts under stress. Ed. by A. R. Orme et al. (Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. Supplementband
N. Kingo Jacobsen
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E. A. Weiss: Oilseed crops.
Kr. M. Jensen
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Estuaries and enclosed seas / ed. by Bostwick H. Ketchurn. - (Ecosystems of the world; 26).
Jesper Bartholdy
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Willem C. Beets: Multiple cropping and tropical farming systems.
Peter Strømgaard
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Jörg Barner: Landschaftstechnik.
Peter Frederiksen
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Violette Rey: Besoin de terre des agriculteurs.
Sofus Christiansen
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J. T. McMullan, R. Morgan and R. B. Murray: Energy resources. 2. ed.
Kr. M. Jensen
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R. J. Johnston: Philosophy and human geography: an introduction to contemporary
Viggo Hansen
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A. J. Raudkivi: Grundlagen des Sedimenttransports.
Morten Pejrup
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M. R. Leeder: Sedimentology: process and product.
Jesper Bartholdy
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Frank Press, Siever: Earth. 3. ed.
N. Kingo Jacobsen
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Clifton W. Pannell, Laurence J.C. Ma: China: the geography of development and modernization.
Kr. M. Jensen
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Diercke-Länderlexikori. Ambros Brucker et al.
Viggo Hansen
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Geoffrey Parker: A political geography of Community Europe.
Viggo Hansen
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W. T. W. Morgan: Nigeria.
Peter Strømgaard
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Adrian E. Scheidegger: Principles ofgeodynamics. 3. completely rev. ed.
Peter Frederiksen
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H. C. Darby: The changing fenland.
Viggo Hansen
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R. D. Hill: Agriculture in the Malaysian region. - (Geography of world agriculture; 11).
Sofus Christiansen
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Peter Hall: The world cities. 3. ed.
Viggo Hansen
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Latin America: geographical perspectives. Ed. by Harold Blakemore and Clifford T. Smith. 2. ed.
Viggo Hansen
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Ecology of the Wadden Sea. Ed. by W. J. Wolff.
N. Kingo Jacobsen
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Miguel A. Marino and James N. Lut hi n: Seepage and groundwater. (Developments in water science, 13).
N. Kingo Jacobsen
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International Symposium on Stratified Flows, 2, 1980: the Norwegian Institute of Technology Trondheim 24-27 June, 1980. Eds.: Torkild Carstens, Thomas McClibans.
Jesper Bartholdy
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John Dickenson: Brazil
Viggo Hansen
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R. L. Heathcote: The arid lands: their use and abuse.
Anette Reenbers
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Ernst Neef: Ausgevählte Schriften. Ergänzungsheft 283 zu Petermanns Geographischen
Jesper Brandt
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Peter Smart and N. Keith Tovey: Electron microscopy of soils and sediments: techniques.
Henrik Breuning Madsen
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Isao Orishimo: Urbanization and environmental
Viggo Hansen
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Offshore tidal sands: processes and deposits/ ed. by A. H. Stride.
Morten Pejrup
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C. R. Bryant, L. H. Russwurm, A. G. Me Lei lan: The city's countryside, land and its management in the rural-urban fringe. Longman, London 1982. XII, 249 s. fig. 24 cm. £7.95.
Viggo Hansen
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Period and place: research methods in historical geography. Ed. by Alan R. Baker and Mark Billinge.
Viggo Hansen
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David Davidescu, Velicica Davidescu: Evaluation of fertility by plant and soil analysis.
Henrik Breunning Madsen
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Amos Rapoport: The meaning of the built environment: a nonverbal communication approach.
Viggo Hansen
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Anne Buttimer: The practice of geography. Longman, London 1983. XIII, 298 s. 25 cm. £15.-.
Viggo Hansen
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Deutscher Geographentag, 43, 1981: Tagungsbericht und wissenshcaftliche Abhandlungen.
Henning Mørch
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Gordon Wrigley: Tropical agriculture: the - 4. ed.
Sofus Christiansen
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Wolfgang Boenigk: Schwermineralanalyse.
Peter Frederiksen
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Jean Vanlaer: 200 millions de voix: une geographic des families politiques européennes.
Viggo Hansen
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Michael Tracy: Agriculture in Western Europe: challenge and response 1880-1980. 2. ed.
Kr. M. Jensen
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Harald Sioli: Amazonien: Grundlagen der Ökologie des grössten tropischen Waldlandes.
Peter Strømgaard
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McDonald P. Benjamin: Investment projects in agriculture: principles and case studies.
Sofus Christiansen
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Robert P. Larkin and Gary L. Peters: Dictionary of concepts in human geography. (Reference sources for the social sciences and humanities No. 2).
Viggo Hansen
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Tropical rain forest ecosystems: structure and function. Ed. by F. B. Golley. (Ecosystems of the world, 14A).
Peter Strømgaard
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Yehuda Karmon: Israel: eine geographische Landeskunde. (Wissenschaftliche Länderkunden, Bd. 22).
Henning Mørch
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P. Freytet and J.-C. Plaziat: Continental carbonate sedimentation and pedogenesis: late cretaceous and early tertiary of Southern France. - (Contributions to sedimentology;
Peter Frederiksen
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Hans-Wilhelm Windhorst: Geographische Innovations- und Diffusionsforschung. - derßd.
Henning Mørch
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J. P. Cole: Geography of world affairs. 6. ed.
Viggo Hansen
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Michael Senior, P. Olatunde Okunrotifa: A regional geography of Africa.
Peter Strømgaard
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HELGE LARSEN 25-2 1905 - 14-2 1984
N. Kingo Jacobsen
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[Ingen Titel]
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Folia Geographies Danica
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