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Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography
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Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 87 (1987)
Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 87 (1987)
Ice-wedge casts in an early deglaciated area of southern Sweden
Harald Svensson
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Opposition til C.W. Matthiesen: Danske byers vækst 17. januar 1986
Poul Ove Pedersen
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Et tørlægningsprojekt fra den franske middelalder - L'Etang de Montady
Henning Mørch
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Byerhvervene. Lokaliseringstendenser 1970-83
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Landbrugsjordens terrænhældning
Henrik Breuning Madsen 1), Kristian Aagaard Holst 2) og Axel Henry Nørr 2)
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Danmarks videnskabelige geografi 1986
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Rural landscapes in Puglia - on the functional relationship between agriculture and natural resources
Henning Mørch
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Danske havne 1950-1980 John Westerholm: The Development of a National Port System - Denmark 1950-1980.
Viggo Hansen
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Glacier behaviour and the influence of upper-air conditions during the Little Ice Age in Disko, central West Greenland.
Ole Humlum
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Location of rural settlements and geology - a case study of the Salento peninsula (S. Italia)
Henning Mørch
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Jordbundsudvikling under ager og nåleskov
Leif Petersen og Karsten Rasmussen
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Service og regional udvikling
Sven Illeris
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A new map of the Mitdluagkat glacier - a preliminary report
Bent Hasholt
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Conditions for agricultural development in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Leif Petersen
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Satellitbilleder som hjælpemiddel ved praktisk U-landsarbejde i Somalias kystzone
Anette Reenberg
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Carl Troll: Tagebücher der Reisen in Bolivien 1926/27. Bearb. von Felix Monheim. Hrsg. von Ingeborg Monheim. (Erdwissenschaftliche Forschung Bd. 19). Steiner, Stuttgart 1985.
Viggo Hansen
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Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management: proceedings of the 7th International Sym-
Kjeld Rasmussen
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Haack Atlas zur Zeitgeschichte. Hrsg.: Zentralintistut für Geschichte der Akademie der der DDR.
Viggo Hansen
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Erwin Schanda: Physical fundamentals of remote sensing.
Kjeld Rasmussen
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Hermann Hambloch: Kulturgeographische Elemente im Ökosystem Mensch- Erde: eine Einführung unter anthropologischen
Anette Reenberg
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Ronald Perry, Ken Dean, Bryan Brown: Countemrbanisatin: international case studies of socio-economic change in the rural areas.
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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La télédetection satellitaire Spot: amenagement et Pixels. Directrice Aline Chabreuil. (Metropolis; no. 70/71).
Kjeld Rasmussen
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Famine as a geographical phenomenon. Ed. by Bruce Currey and Graeme Hugo.
Henning Mørch
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lon Zavoianu: Morphometry of drainage basins. in water science;
Jesper Bartholdy
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Tirol-Atlas. Im Auftrag der Tiroler Landesregierung. Hrsg. unter der Gesamtleitung von A. Leidlmair.
Henning Mørch
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Brian W. Ilbery: Western Europe: a systematic human geography. - 2. ed.
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Atlas für jedermann. Red.: R. Hobel, et al. - 4. Aufl.
Henning Mørch
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Horst Malberg: Meteorologie und Klirnatologie: eine Einführung.
Birger Hansen
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Aktuelle Probleme der Weltnährungslage: Erfolge und Grenzen der Grimen Revolution, ihre ökologischen Grundlagen und Auswirkungen. Hrsg.: H.-J. Elster. - (Schriften der Gesellschaft für Verantwortung in der Wissenschaft; No. 3).
Peter Strømgaard
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Herbert Paschinger: Kärnten. (Sammlung Führer, Bd.
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Floyd F. Sabins: Remote sensing: principles and interpretation. 2. ed.
Kjeld Rasmussen
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Christian-Dietrich Schönwiese: Praktische Statistik für Meteorologen und Geowissen-schaftler.
Birger Hansen
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Berlin: Beiträge zur Geographie eines Grossstadtraumes: Festschrift zum 45. Deutschen Geographentag in Berlin vom 30.9.1985 bis 2.10.1985. Hrsg. von Burkhard Hofmeister. . . et al.
Hans Thor Andersen
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J.A.Jackson: Migration.
Henning Mørch
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Tom Beer: Environmental oceanography: an introductin to the behaviour of coastal waters.
Merete Binderup
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H.R. Langguth: List of terms ofhydrogeology, geochemistry and geothermals of mineral and thermal waters. (International contributions to hydrogeology; vol. 3).
Jesper Bartholdy
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Desert development: man and technology in Ed.Yehuda Gradus.
Anette Reenberg
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Josef Schmithüsen: Die natürliche Lebewelt Mitteleuropas. (Erdkundliches Wissen H. 79).
Viggo Hansen
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Mamdouh Shahin: Hydrology of the Nile basin. (Developments in water science; 21).
Bent Hasholt
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Shorelines and isostasy. Ed. by D.E. Smith and A.G.Dawson. (Institute of British Geographers. Special publication; no. 16).
Merete Binderup
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Elisabeth Lichtenberger: Stadtgeographie. Bd. 1: Begriffe, Konzepte, Modelle, Prozesse.
Viggo Hansen
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Atlas economique de l'Europe. J.R. Sortia, [et al.].
Henning Mørch
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Quaternary geology of Lake Zurich: an interdisciplinary investigation by deeplake drilling. Ed. by K.J. Hsu and K.R. Kelts. (Contributions to sedimentology; 13).
Bent Hasholt
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Gerhard Sandner: Zentralamerika und der Ferne Karibische Westen: Konjunkturen, Krisen und Konflikte 1503-1984. Steiner, Stuttgart, 1985.
Viggo Hansen
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Ernst Plewe und Ute Wardenga: Der junge Alfred Hettner: Studien zur Entwicklung der wissenschaftlichen Persönlichkeit als Geograph, Länderkundler und Forschungsreisender. (Erdkundliches Wissen).
Viggo Hansen
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Ulrich Ante: Zur Grundlegung des Gegenstandsbereiches der politischen Geographie: über das »Politische« in der Geographie. (Erdkundliches Wissen H. 75). Steiner, Stuttgart 1985.
Viggo Hansen
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M.H. Matthews & I.D.L. Foster: Fieldwork exercises in human and physical geography.
Peter Strømgaard
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R.L. Hausenbuiller: Soil science: principles and practices. 3. ed.
Henrik Breuning Madsen
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Winfried Flüchter: Die Bucht von Tokyo: Neulandausbau, Strukturwandel, Raumordnungsprobleme. (Schriften des Instituts für Asienkunde in Hamburg, Bd. 46).
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Herbert Louis: Landeskunde der Türkei: vornehmlich aufgrund eigner Reisen.
Viggo Hansen
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James Zucchetto, Ann-Mar i Jansson: Resources and society: a systems ecology study of the island of Gotland, Sweden. - (Ecological studies; vol. 56).
Anette Reenberg
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Wolfgang Haberland: Ich, Dakota: Pine Ridge Reservation 1909.
Henning Mørch
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J.C.McVeigh: Energy around the world: an introduction to energy studies: global resources, needs, utilization.
Henrik Breuning Madsen
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Geoff Petts, lan Foster: Rivers and landscape.
Jesper Bartholdy
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Ernst Löffler: Geographie und Fernerkundung: eine Einführung in die geographische Interpretation von Luftbildern und modernen Fernerkundungsdaten.
Kjeld Rasmussen
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Handbook of pattern recognition and image processing. Ed. by Tzay Y. Young, King-Sun Fu.
Kjeld Rasmussen
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J.T.Houghton, F.W.Taylor, CD. Rodger s: Remote sounding of atmospheres. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1984.
Birger Hansen
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John F. Lounsbury & Frank T. Aldrich: Introduction to geographic field methods and techniques. 2. ed.
Henrik Breuning Madsen
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Hans Ruthenberg: Innovation policy for small farmers in the tropics: the economics of technical innovations for agricultural development. Ed. by Hans E. Jahnke.
Peter Strømgaard
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Climatic changes on a yearly to Millennial Basis: geological, historical and instrumental records: proceedings of the second Nordic symposium on climatic changes and related problems, held in Stockholm, Sweden, May 16-20, 1983. Ed. by N.-A. Morner and W. Karlen. Reidel, Dordrecht 1984.
Birger Hansen
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John Small & Michael Witherick: A modem dictionary of geography.
Henning Mørch
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Don und Maureen Tarling: Kontinental- Drift. (Geocolleg; 10).
Henrik Breuning Madsen
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Eckhard Oelke: Territoriale Probleme der ökonomischen Integration der EG-Länder.
Rolf Guttesen
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The take-off of suburbia and the crisis of the central city: proceedings of the international symposium in Munich and Vienna 1984. Ed. by Günter Heinritz and Elisabeth Lichtenberger. (Erdkundliches Wissen; H. 76).
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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G. T. Csasandy: Circulation in the coastal ocean.
Anders Jensen
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Loess and the quaternary: Chinese and Hungarian case studies. Ed. by Märton Pécsi. (Studies in geography in Hungary; 18).
Henrik Breuning Madsen
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Remote sensing and tropical land management. Ed. by M. J. Eden and J.T. Parry.
Anette Reenberg
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Kartographie der Gegenwart in Österreich unter Red. von Erik Arnberger.
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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The climate of Europe: past, present and future: natural and man-induced climatic changes: a European perspective. Ed. by Hermann Flohn and Roberto Fantechi. Reidel, Dordrecht 1984.
Birger Hansen
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Milankovitch and climate: understanding the response to astronomical forcing. Ed. by A. Berger et al.. (NATO ASI Series. Series C: Mathematical and physical sciences, 126)
Birger Hansen
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John A. Richards: Remote sensing digital image analysis: an introduction.
Kjeld Rasmussen
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Geochemischer Atlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Verteilung von Schwermetallen in Wässern und Bachsedimenten. Heinrich Fauth, . . . et al.
Henrik Breuning Madsen
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Werner Rutz: Die Städte Indonesiens: Städte und andere nicht-landwirtschaftliche Siedlungen, ihre Entwicklung und gegenwärtige Stellung in Verwaltung und Wirtschaft. (Urbanisierung der Erde; Bd. 4).
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Poul Holmelund: J.F. Schouw 1789-1852: Geografforlaget 1976-1985.
Viggo Hansen
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Bendix Carstensen & Ole Møller Jensen: Atlas over kræftforekomst i Danmark 1970-79.
Henning Mørch
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E.A.Bjørk: Færøsk bygderet. Del 1-3. Tårshavn: Matrikulstovan, 1956-1963 (genoptr. 1984).
Rolf Guttesen
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D.C.Adriano: Trace elements in the terrestrial
Henrik Breuning Madsen
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Ewald Glasser und Achim Schnütgen: Island. (Wissenschaftliche Länderkunden; Bd. 28).
Peter Strømgård
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NATO Conference on Fjord Oceanography, 1979, Victoria, 8.C.: fjord oceanography. Ed. by Howard J. Freeland, David M. Farmer and Colin D. Levings. - (NA TO conference series. 4: Marine sciences; vol. 4)
Anders Jensen
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Pierre Biays: Le Canada: environnement naturel, economic, regions. - (Dossiers
Henning Mørch
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Hans-Jörg Isemer & Lutz Hasse: The Bunker climate atlas of the North Atlantic Ocean. Vol. I: Observations.
Henrik Breuning Madsen
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Ecodevelopment: concepts, projects, strategies. Ed. by Bernhard Glaeser.
Peter Strømgaard
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Susan A. Knox: Themaking of the Shetland
Rolf Guttesen
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EF. Kommisionen: Groundwater resources of the European Community. Schäfer, Hannover 1982.
Henrik Breuning Madsen
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Information Bulgaria: a short encyclopaedia of the People's Republic of Bulgaria. Ed. by the Bulgarian Academy of Science.
Rolf Guttesen
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Peter Schöller: Städtepolitik, Stadtumbau und Stadterhaltung in der DDR. (Erdkundliches Wissen H. 81).
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Geofernerkundung: Luft- und Kosmosbilder in ihrer Bedeutung für Wissenschaft und Volkswirtschaft. Hrsg. von H. Barthel.
Kjeld Rasmussen
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Local maps and plans from medieval England. Ed. by R.A. Skelton and P.D.A. Harvey.
Viggo Hansen
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Welfare and environment: essays on the 10th anniversary of the Department of Geography, University of Trondheim, 1985. Ed.: Michael Jones.
Rolf Guttesen
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Regions in the European Community. Ed. by Michael Keating and Barry Jones.
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Public planning in the Netherlands: perspectives and change since the Second World War. Eds.: Ashok K. Dutt and Frank J. Costa.
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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H. van Keulen and J. Wolf: Modelling of agricultural production: weather, soils and crops.
Henrik Breuning Madsen
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Soil map of the European Communities 1:1.000.000. Commision of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Agriculture Coordination of Agricultural Research.
Henrik Breuning Madsen
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Geographers: biobibliographical studies. Vol. 9. Ed. by T. W. Freeman.
Viggo Hansen
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Joseph M. Moran, Michael D. Morgan, James H. Wiersma: Introduction to environmental science. - 2. ed.
Peter Strømgaard
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Man 's impact on forcstand rivers. Ed. by John Hemming. (Change in the Amazon basin; vol. 1). The frontier after a decade of colonisation. Ed. by John Hemming. (Change in the Amazon basin; vol. 2).
Peter Strømgaard
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Klaus Frantz: Die Grossstadt Angloamerikas im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert: Strukturwandlungen und sozialräumliche Entwicklungsprozesse anhand ausgewählter Beispiele der Nordostküste. (Erdkundliches Wissen; H. 77).
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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M.S.R. Hutt, D.P. Burkitt: The geography of non-infectious disease.
Henning Mørch
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Ove Jørgensen: Alfred den store: Danmarks geografi: en undersøgelse af fire afsnit i den gamle engelske Orosius. - (Northwestern european language evolution supl. Vol. 1).
Viggo Hansen
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Andrew Goudie: The human impact: on -
Henning Mørch
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Einar Andersen 16-9 1905 - 20-7 1987
N. Kingo Jacobsen
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Steen B. Böcher 18-7 1906 - 4-5 1987
N. Kingo Jacobsen
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Nye kandidater udgået fra Københavns Universitets Geografiske Institut
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